Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A Different Kind of...PIZZA

Reteta aluatului e aceeasi ca si la painea de casa.

Ingrediente pentru compozitie:
- 1 dovlecel
- 1 ardei rosu (optional copt)
- 1 catel usturoi pisat
- 250 g branza sarata (puteti folosi orice branza doriti)
- 2 linguri de iaurt
- 1 chilli (optional)

Se pune intr-un bol adanc branza, iaurtul, usturoiul pisat si se amesteca pana la omogenizare. Se taie dovlecelul si ardeiul in cuburi, si se adauga in compozitie.
Dupa ce ai facut aluatul si l-ai lasat sa creasca, se taie in 8-10 bucati egale si li se da forma de bila. Se intinde fiecare bucata cu sucitorului, astfel incat sa obtinetin foi ovale, cu grosimea de 5 mm.
Dupa aceasta le poti umple cu compozitie, iar deasupra poti presara chillli proaspat taiat. Se ridica marginile peste umplutura si se preseaza bine la capete.(Cel mai indicat e sa le umpleti in tava de copt, astfel nu veti varsa compozitia, cand le mutati)
Se coace timp de 15-20 minute la 180 grade sau pana se rumeneste.

Puteti umple aluatul, cu orice tip de compozitie doriti, puteti incerca cu sos de rosii si busuioc, sau cu mere si scortisoara, sau cu ciocolata si nuca. Puteti sa va puneti imaginatia la incercare.

The dough recipe is the same as the homemade bread.

- 1 zucchini
- 1 red pepper (optional cooked)
- 1 clove garlic
- 250 g salty cheese (you can use any cheese you like)
- 2 tablespoons yogurt
- 1 chilli (optional)

Place in a deep bowl the cheese, yogurt, garlic and stir until smooth. Cut zucchini and peppers into cubes, and add to the composition.
After you've made the dough and let it rise, cut into 8 to 10 equal pieces and shape it into balls. Stretch each piece with a rolling pin, so you get the oval sheets with thickness of 5 mm.
After that you can fill with composition and above you can sprinkle chopped fresh chilli. Lift the edges over the filling and press it down well at the end. (The most appropriate is to fill them in baking pan so you will not spill the composition, as you move them.)
Bake for 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees or until the pizza is golden brown.

You can fill the dough with any type of composition you want, you can try with tomato sauce and basil or cinnamon and apple or chocolate and walnuts. Use your imagination.

Love, Nadejda!

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