Saturday, September 26, 2015

My passion

Inca de cand eram mica mi-a placut sa imi cos singura hainele sau sa port haine pe care nimeni nu le avea. De fiecare data cand vroiam ceva nou, trebuia sa fie diferit, mai deosebit. In prezent, prefer hainele create si realizate de mine in schimbul celor din comert, dar pentru a le avea e nevoie de timp (pentru a coase, pentru a cumpara accesoriile necesare, etc.). Dupa cum va puteti imagina, activitatea de mama este una full-time si pot spune, cu mandrie, ca in momentul de fata totul se rezuma la mica mea iubire, fiul meu.
Chiar si asa, cu putin sprijin, din cand in cand, imi fac timp pentru mine si pentru pasiunea mea - iata si cateva fotografii doveditoare. Sper sa va placa!


Ever since I was little, I liked sowing my own clothes or wearing clothes that nobody had.  Every time I wanted something new, it had to be different, more special. In present times, I prefer clothes designed and made by me over those found in commerce, but in order to do this it takes time (for sowing, for buying the necessary accessories and so on...). As you can imagine, being a mother is a full-time activity and I can say, with pride, that in this moment everything is about my little love, my son.
However, with some help, from time to time, I do make some time for me and for ma passion - here are some photos to prove it. Enjoy!

 I was wearing:
Blouse - my own desing (cloth similar here)
Skirt and shoes - my own desing
Sunglasses - H&M
Earrings - Josephine

Love, Nadejda!

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