For me, family time is the most important part of the day. I am grateful for my family, for my close friends and for all my achievements. I try to cherish every second with my baby, to be there when he starts to talk, to be near to him when he needs a hug or just to be with him and support him in everything that he does.
My dear one, we love you so much!
Pentru mine, timpul in familie reprezinta cel mai important moment al zilei. Sunt recunoscatoare pentru familia mea, pentru prietenii mei apropiati si toate realizarile mele. Incerc sa pretuiesc fiecare secunda alaturi de piticul meu, sa fiu de fata atunci cand incepe sa vorbeasca, sa fiu langa el atunci cand are nevoie de o imbratisare sau pur si simplu sa-i fiu alaturi si sa il sustin in tot ceea ce face.
Dragul meu, te iubim enorm de mult!
I was wearing:
Shorts - Bershka
Straw hat - H&M
Bag - vintage, similar here
Love, Nadejda!